Thursday, 28 February 2008

A little library Elf

Here's a little helper for borrowers of library material. Use Elf to manage your library loans and holds. Elf tracks your library account record and keeps track of what's due, what's overdue and what's ready for pick-up.

It is possible to consolidate individual family library cards into the one account and keep tabs on all types of library material. You set the parameters for when reminders are sent and Elf does the work.

Elf will prompt you about items due soon, however, renewals will need to be done through the library or web account.

So, help your .... elf!

Thursday, 21 February 2008

Library Lovers' Day

Valentine's Day has been renamed Library Lovers' Day. The boxes of chocolates, bouquets of flowers and soppy sentimental Hallmark cards were replaced with laughter, flirtatious comments and fun at Aldinga Library. Borrowers were encouraged to choose a blind date on Library Lovers' Day.

The process involved staff choosing books, photocopying the barcode and gift wrapping the books (with the barcode attached to the gift tag). The blind dates were then displayed. Only a handful of blind dates were left single.

The roses are dying,
the violets are dead.
We hope you enjoyed
the blind date you read.

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

Beaded Mandalas

Mandalas are usually circular designs symbolising the universe. They are used in Hinduism and Buddhism as a focus for meditation.

Weellll .... some people may have needed to practise some meditation after the first beaded mandala session. Cool, calm and collected was replaced with hot, bothered and frustrated. However, knots in the thread, eye strain and things just not going to plan were soon sorted out.

Fishing line, brick stitch, felt, beads, tea, coffee, biscuits and lots of laughter were shared during the beading workshops. Here's a sample of the beautiful beaded mandalas as works in progress and finished pieces of jewellery.

ADELAIDE WRITERS' WEEK LIVE STREAMING Enjoy the experience of Adelaide Writers' Week from the comfort of your local library.  A...